Have you ever imagined what it would be like to talk to your favorite book character? I have. In a recent book I have read, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, my favorite character would have to be Peta. Peta is one of the main characters, later in the book, but not at the very beginning. Peta is chosen along with Katniss to represent their district in the hunger games.
If I were able to talk to Peta, I would ask him what was going through his mind during the games, would he of died for Katniss, if he never would of been chosen would he ever approached Katniss? Just pretty much simple questions, questions that most people would ask. I would imagine his answer for the first question to be, "Just trying to survive", and if he truly cared about Katniss I would expect him to say "Trying to protect Katniss and make sure she was safe." I would also expect him to say he would of died for Katniss. But if The Hunger Games never would of happened, I do not think he would of ever approached Katniss, I do not know why I think that, something just tells me that's what would happen.
If I was ever going to really talk to Peta, I would sit down and think about questions I would ask him. These questions just came off the top of my head. Who knows, maybe one day I will get the chance to talk to him.
If I could change the ending of this book, I would not have both Peta, and Katniss surviving. I would probably choose Katniss. No I have not read the other books, but that would make for a better story when Katniss returned home. Gail would be able to come in the picture sooner. At the end when Katniss kills the guy on the top of the cornucopia, after he falls off, Peta would realize that Katniss accidently shot him too. Peta would not want to suffer so he would eat the berries. That is how I would end the story.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
CC#4: Fatal Hot Air Balloon Crash
In a recent article on CNN entitled Deadliest Balloon Crash in Decades Kills 19 written by Mariano Castillo tells us of a horrific balloon accident.
Castillo states, "Tuesday morning, as one of the balloons prepared to land, an explosion pierced the air, followed by a spreading billow of smoke." Imagine what the people of Egypt thought was happening, if it was me I would be thinking terrorist attack. The people on the balloon probably did not think something like this would happen when they boarded the hot air balloon.
Later Castillo says, "One of the balloons had exploded, and its 21 passengers and operators plummeted some 1,000 feet (300 meters) to the ground." 1000 feet is quite a ways up, I would not of been on the balloon in the first place. A question that pops into my mind is why were 21 people on one hot air balloon?
Lastly Castillo states, "Two people -- a Briton and the pilot -- are hospitalized." On the bright side everyone was not killed in this horrific accident. But out of all the people on board BOTH pilots survived, that seems very odd.
It was before I was even born but this situation reminds me of the Hindenburg blimp that caught on fire, that was a very big deal in history.
Because of this very reason right here, I'm afraid to do any type of flying at all. But maybe one day ill have the nerve to do something like this, maybe even skydive. That would be an adrenaline rush!
Castillo states, "Tuesday morning, as one of the balloons prepared to land, an explosion pierced the air, followed by a spreading billow of smoke." Imagine what the people of Egypt thought was happening, if it was me I would be thinking terrorist attack. The people on the balloon probably did not think something like this would happen when they boarded the hot air balloon.
Later Castillo says, "One of the balloons had exploded, and its 21 passengers and operators plummeted some 1,000 feet (300 meters) to the ground." 1000 feet is quite a ways up, I would not of been on the balloon in the first place. A question that pops into my mind is why were 21 people on one hot air balloon?
Lastly Castillo states, "Two people -- a Briton and the pilot -- are hospitalized." On the bright side everyone was not killed in this horrific accident. But out of all the people on board BOTH pilots survived, that seems very odd.
It was before I was even born but this situation reminds me of the Hindenburg blimp that caught on fire, that was a very big deal in history.
Because of this very reason right here, I'm afraid to do any type of flying at all. But maybe one day ill have the nerve to do something like this, maybe even skydive. That would be an adrenaline rush!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Choice topic: SEC
If you live in the United States you have probably seen a sporting event of some kind on television. Wether it be football, baseball, basketball ect. Where I live sports are a way of life. Mostly football. To live in the South and not like football is like living in St. Louis and cheering for the Yankees. In my opinion the SEC is the powerhouse of sports. For one, the past two years the Alabama Crimison Tide has won the BCS national Championship. Alabama football is the father of college football. Not many collegiate althletes can say they have won back to back BCS national championships. That is a pretty big deal. Also last year Alabama took home the Womens College World Series championship. That is in softball if you were wondering. Bama took on Kellani Rickets, one of the best pitchers in the game in the championship series. Alabama has been a finely tuned, well oiled machine these past couple of years. Now in the presyent, Arkansas Razorback baseball is ranked no. 1 in the Nation. Last year the Razorbacks went to the Regional tournament. Maybe this year Arkansas will snatch the national championship. And lastly, the Arkansas Razorback softball team has been handed a honorable start to their season. Yesterday improving their season to 7-0, is the best start in a very long time. Hopefully a title is looming for the Razorback softball team. Without sports my life would be completely boring, especially without softball and football.

Monday, February 11, 2013
CC#3: Deleware courthouse shooting
In a recent article on CNN, entitled 2 women, gunman killed in Delaware courthouse shooting written by, CNN staff intels us of a shooting at a Deleware courthouse.
In the article CNN reports "Three people are dead, including a gunman who opened fire in a courthouse in Wilmington, Delaware, Monday morning, Delaware State Police said." Here lately there have been more and more shootings happening. That is certainly not a good thing.
CNN does not give us a motive of why the gunman opened fire in this Deleware courthouse, they tell us "The man entered the lobby of at the New Castle County Courthouse around 8 a.m. and began shooting, said State Police Sgt. Paul Shavack." People do not just go to a random place and start shooting at random people, it just does not make sence.
The article tells us that "Wilmington Mayor Dennis Williams has told reporters that police killed the gunman." Atleast the officer went in and did something about the shooting. The officer probably saved many more lives that could of been taken.
Since the shooting at Newton, these things are becoming more and more common. Our nation needs a serious reality check before things get even worse.
Quite a few years ago a shooting happened not to far from batesville, it happened in Jonesboro at Westside school. Two boys pulled a fire alarm and waited for the kids to come out and opened fire. This incident happened way too close to home, and hopefully another one never happens again.
In the article CNN reports "Three people are dead, including a gunman who opened fire in a courthouse in Wilmington, Delaware, Monday morning, Delaware State Police said." Here lately there have been more and more shootings happening. That is certainly not a good thing.
CNN does not give us a motive of why the gunman opened fire in this Deleware courthouse, they tell us "The man entered the lobby of at the New Castle County Courthouse around 8 a.m. and began shooting, said State Police Sgt. Paul Shavack." People do not just go to a random place and start shooting at random people, it just does not make sence.
The article tells us that "Wilmington Mayor Dennis Williams has told reporters that police killed the gunman." Atleast the officer went in and did something about the shooting. The officer probably saved many more lives that could of been taken.
Since the shooting at Newton, these things are becoming more and more common. Our nation needs a serious reality check before things get even worse.
Quite a few years ago a shooting happened not to far from batesville, it happened in Jonesboro at Westside school. Two boys pulled a fire alarm and waited for the kids to come out and opened fire. This incident happened way too close to home, and hopefully another one never happens again.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Book review #1 13 Reasons Why
Jay Asher's 13 Reasons Why tells us a story behind bullying, and how far one girl goes to make sure the people that caused her pain, know what they did.
The style of this book was very dramatic, and very back and forth. By that I mean it went from person to person quite a bit. In this book, a boy recieves a set of 13 tapes that tell why a girl commits suicide. The book goes from the girl talking on the tapes, to the boys commentary on what she is saying. I like this style of writing by the author because you get to know the story and opinion of two people. I also like how dramatic he is, because it makes me feel what the characters are feeling.
Hannah, the girl that commited suicide makes me feel sorryt her, and want to psychically ask these people why they did what they did. Hannah sends out 13 tapes, each with two sides, and a different story to tell. She is very detailed in what she has to say about each person, and it makes me realize, if you do not know what a person is going through, don't do something stupid, that could potentially make the person go over the edge. When Hannah is talking it makes me feel very sympathetic towards what those people had done to her.
The setting of this book is in the town where Hannah goes to school. If you read the hard copy, like I did, then the covering comes with a map of all the places she points out in her tapes. The guy, Justin Foley, that recieves the tapes in the book, goes to all the places she has marked, and he almost takes the place of Hannah, he feels all of the emotions he thought she would feel, and it makes the stroy that much more interesting.
I would highly reccomend this book. It puts in perspective what some people actually go through and what goes on in their lives. The book also makes you take a step back and think twice about your actions, and what you say. This book was amazing, and I cannot wait until 13 Reasons Why is turned into a movie.
The style of this book was very dramatic, and very back and forth. By that I mean it went from person to person quite a bit. In this book, a boy recieves a set of 13 tapes that tell why a girl commits suicide. The book goes from the girl talking on the tapes, to the boys commentary on what she is saying. I like this style of writing by the author because you get to know the story and opinion of two people. I also like how dramatic he is, because it makes me feel what the characters are feeling.
Hannah, the girl that commited suicide makes me feel sorryt her, and want to psychically ask these people why they did what they did. Hannah sends out 13 tapes, each with two sides, and a different story to tell. She is very detailed in what she has to say about each person, and it makes me realize, if you do not know what a person is going through, don't do something stupid, that could potentially make the person go over the edge. When Hannah is talking it makes me feel very sympathetic towards what those people had done to her.
The setting of this book is in the town where Hannah goes to school. If you read the hard copy, like I did, then the covering comes with a map of all the places she points out in her tapes. The guy, Justin Foley, that recieves the tapes in the book, goes to all the places she has marked, and he almost takes the place of Hannah, he feels all of the emotions he thought she would feel, and it makes the stroy that much more interesting.
I would highly reccomend this book. It puts in perspective what some people actually go through and what goes on in their lives. The book also makes you take a step back and think twice about your actions, and what you say. This book was amazing, and I cannot wait until 13 Reasons Why is turned into a movie.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
CC#2: Boy Held in Bunker
An article on CNN "Boy Held in Bunker", written by Lateef Mungin, and George Howell, talks about how a man took a boy in an underground bunker, and has had him in there for several days.
"A kindergartner, snatched from the safety of his school bus by a gunman and stashed in an underground bunker;" This story reminds me of the book The lovely bones, but how could a man take a child, one with special needs, and keep him in an underground bunker.
"The gunman stormed into the school bus Tuesday afternoon and demanded that the driver hand him a child." The man did not just take the boy, he also shot the bus driver multiple times at a close distance with children on board.
"Davis, who works a night shift, said Dykes worked on his bunker in the middle of the night -- every other night, between 2 and 3 a.m., for a year and a half." If a man was out in the middle of the night working on something no one knows about, why didn't someone investigate it? I know i would have.
This story reminds me of the book The Lovely Bones. The book was amazing, but it makes me wonder if this man got the idea from that book. People are crazy.
Friday, January 18, 2013
American Dream Essay
What is an "American Dream?" To live in America means to be free, to be able to pursue whay you want. It is written in the constitution,"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." In a few years from now, I see myself graduating high school, going to college at ASU, and eventuallly going to medical school to become a doctor.
Being a junior in high school, my ultimate goal right now is to graduate,and go to college. I do not want just to graduate, I want to be a honor graduate and make my family proud. My dad never graduated from college, and my mom waited until she was older. She had four kids, two twin babie, and and older son and daughter. I have seen the struggles she had to go through, and it was tough. I want to be able to go to college, and focus on school, and have the college experience. I will hopefully become a freshman during the 2014 fall semester at Arkansas State University. Not too far from home, but just far enough. While I attend college, I want to meet new friends, but more important than that, I want to keep my best friend and the friends I have made throughout high school. This is where I want to be in the next five years.
In the next ten to fifteen years, I see myself going to medical school, and graduating from medical school. I want to become a doctor. During medical school, I hope to find a man I can start a family with, and grow old together with. After medical school, I hope to have a great job at Childern's Hospital. I have had numerous experiences with that hospital, and the place is phenominal. After I find a job, I want to build a house, and start a family. I want to be able to take care of my family, not just my children, but my parents and grandparents. There is still a lof of deatails to be worked out for the next ten to fifteen years, but this is a good start.
Everyone's "American Dream" is different, and each and everyone of them include obstacles we have to face. No one knows what the furtre holds for us, but with hard work, dedication, and perseverence, I think I have a pretty good idea.
Being a junior in high school, my ultimate goal right now is to graduate,and go to college. I do not want just to graduate, I want to be a honor graduate and make my family proud. My dad never graduated from college, and my mom waited until she was older. She had four kids, two twin babie, and and older son and daughter. I have seen the struggles she had to go through, and it was tough. I want to be able to go to college, and focus on school, and have the college experience. I will hopefully become a freshman during the 2014 fall semester at Arkansas State University. Not too far from home, but just far enough. While I attend college, I want to meet new friends, but more important than that, I want to keep my best friend and the friends I have made throughout high school. This is where I want to be in the next five years.
In the next ten to fifteen years, I see myself going to medical school, and graduating from medical school. I want to become a doctor. During medical school, I hope to find a man I can start a family with, and grow old together with. After medical school, I hope to have a great job at Childern's Hospital. I have had numerous experiences with that hospital, and the place is phenominal. After I find a job, I want to build a house, and start a family. I want to be able to take care of my family, not just my children, but my parents and grandparents. There is still a lof of deatails to be worked out for the next ten to fifteen years, but this is a good start.
Everyone's "American Dream" is different, and each and everyone of them include obstacles we have to face. No one knows what the furtre holds for us, but with hard work, dedication, and perseverence, I think I have a pretty good idea.
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