What is an "American Dream?" To live in America means to be free, to be able to pursue whay you want. It is written in the constitution,"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." In a few years from now, I see myself graduating high school, going to college at ASU, and eventuallly going to medical school to become a doctor.
Being a junior in high school, my ultimate goal right now is to graduate,and go to college. I do not want just to graduate, I want to be a honor graduate and make my family proud. My dad never graduated from college, and my mom waited until she was older. She had four kids, two twin babie, and and older son and daughter. I have seen the struggles she had to go through, and it was tough. I want to be able to go to college, and focus on school, and have the college experience. I will hopefully become a freshman during the 2014 fall semester at Arkansas State University. Not too far from home, but just far enough. While I attend college, I want to meet new friends, but more important than that, I want to keep my best friend and the friends I have made throughout high school. This is where I want to be in the next five years.
In the next ten to fifteen years, I see myself going to medical school, and graduating from medical school. I want to become a doctor. During medical school, I hope to find a man I can start a family with, and grow old together with. After medical school, I hope to have a great job at Childern's Hospital. I have had numerous experiences with that hospital, and the place is phenominal. After I find a job, I want to build a house, and start a family. I want to be able to take care of my family, not just my children, but my parents and grandparents. There is still a lof of deatails to be worked out for the next ten to fifteen years, but this is a good start.
Everyone's "American Dream" is different, and each and everyone of them include obstacles we have to face. No one knows what the furtre holds for us, but with hard work, dedication, and perseverence, I think I have a pretty good idea.