In a recent article by Fox News, entitled "Government report on Secret Flying Saucer Program mad Avaliable", Fox News describesa blue print to build a "Flyng Saucer" during the Cold war.
The article states "The new released documents not yet posted on the national website of the National Declassiacation Center, offed details on a cold war era plan to build a round, vertical take off and alanding aircraft that can only be described as a flying saucer." They tell us that during the cold war that they were trying to make a air craft that had all of the classifications of a flying saucer. That would of been amazing if they could of actually came through with it.
The article also states that "The disk shaped craft-- which comes complete with an ejector seat and was powered by a "ram jet"-- was designed to reach a top speed of Mach 4 and reach a ceiling of more that 100,000 feet, according to the lengthy document." Aircrafts in the present day still are not designed to have these qualifications, it amazes me that they were still trying to accomplish this back during the Cold War.
Lastly the article states "Much of the 114-page document is devoted to detailed descriptions and schematics of the propulsion system, as tested in a scale model seen in a series of photographs." Some of this information has not been released to the public, so just imagine all of the information they are not telling us, no telling what this "Flying Saucer" would be capable of, especially if we used some of the technology we have today.
Just this weekend I was headed home with my family and my granny yells out "Did you see that flying saucer?!", and of course me and mom did not see it, but it makes you wonder what could be out there, the government does not tell us everything.
To know that back during the Cold War they were trying to come up with something this advanced, is mind blowing. You never know, in this day and age we have the technology to actually come up with something of this magnitude.
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