Monday, December 17, 2012

Season of "Peace"

   An article on CNN entitled, In Newtown a Season of Peace Destroyed written by Rose Arce, and Soledad O'Brien talks about the tragic shooting of an elementary school. Just like any other town around this time of the year would be getting ready for Christmas, which they were, but their holiday peace was interrupted by the actions of a senceless individual.
   In the article, In Newtown a Season of Peace Destroyed, Arce says, "Now, the high spirits of the holidays have been darkened. Signs in storefronts have stopped declaring holiday cheer and are calling instead for prayer and mourning." 20 children are not going to see Christmas this year. How can a town celebrate the most wonderful time of the year when something this tragic has happened? Parents have to sit and look at the presesnt they have wrapped up for their children, that will never be opened, and all of this happened because, well... nobody really knows why, that is the big question.
   Also in this article O'Brien says, " Like a lot of mothers in the area, she had been swept by panic wondering which school had an unfolding crime and whether her child might be among those injured or killed." Getting a call from a school saying there has been a school shooting is horrific enough, but having to wait for everyone to go through the record of that school, to see if they were going to get to see their child again, had to be even worse. Parents sent their kids to school that morning not knowing what was going to happen, probably getting anxious for Christmas break.
   Lastly in this article Arce states, "It was as if an entire town suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder." Using this analogy the writer put everything into prespective. Everyone in the town, whether their child was among the taken or not, still are suffereing and wondering why this would happen in their town. Around this time of the year people are getting ready for Christmas, parents are worried about what to get their children, but none of that even seems to matter anymore. Everyone just wants to mourn the loss of the taken.
   I have twins brothers that were born in 2006. They are now 6, and in the first grade. To know that this happened to kids their age makes me sick, I could not imaging life without them, and I do not see how these other people are coping. I hope I never have to live through something like this, but my thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Newtown Connecticut.

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